صفحه محصول - پاورپوینت اپیدمیولوژی سیاه زخم

پاورپوینت اپیدمیولوژی سیاه زخم (pptx) 85 اسلاید

دسته بندی : پاورپوینت

نوع فایل : PowerPoint (.pptx) ( قابل ویرایش و آماده پرینت )

تعداد اسلاید: 85 اسلاید

قسمتی از متن PowerPoint (.pptx) :

1 اپیدمیولوژی سیاه زخم الف ـ مقدمه و معرفي بيماري 1- تعريف و اهميت بهداشتي 2 – عامل يا عوامل اتيولوژيك ب ـ اپيدميولوژي توصيفي و وقوع (OCCURRENCE) ج ـ پيشگيري و كنترل Human zoonotic disease Primarily disease of herbivorous animals Sheep, goats, cattle Many large documented epizootics Occasional human disease Epidemics have occurred but uncommon Rare in developed world 1- تعريف و اهميت بهداشتي Bioweapon Potential Many countries have weaponized anthrax Former bioweapon programs U.S.S.R., U.S., U.K., and Japan Recent bioweapon programs Iraq Attempted uses as bioterrorism agent WW I: Germans inoculated Allied livestock WW II: Japanese use on prisoners Features of anthrax suitable as BT agent Spores easily dispersed as aerosol Moderately infectious High mortality for inhalational (86-100%) Fairly easy to obtain, produce and store Bioweapon Potential Aerosol method of delivery Most likely method expected in BT attack Would cause primarily inhalational disease Spores reside on particles of 1-5 μm size Optimal size for deposition into alveoli Form of disease with highest mortality Would infect the largest number of people Bioweapon Potential Sverdlovsk, Russia 1979 Accidental release from anthrax drying plant 79 human cases All downwind of plant 68 deaths Some infected with multiples strains Bioweapon Potential Estimated effects of inhalational anthrax 100 kg spores released over city size of Washington DC 130,000 – 3 million deaths depending on weather conditions Economic impact $26.2 billion/100,000 exposed people Bioweapon Potential ب ـ اپيدميولوژي توصيفي و وقوع آنتراكس 1 – دوره نهفتگي (Incubation period) 2 – سير طبيعي (Natural course) 3 – انتشار جغرافيائي (Geographical distribution) 4 – روند زماني (Timeline trend) 5 – تاثير سن، جنس، شغل و موقعيت اجتماعي 6 – تاثير عوامل مساعد كننده (Predisposing factors) 7 – حساسيت و مقاومت (Susceptibility & Resistance) 8 – ميزان حمله هاي ثانويه (Secondary attack rate) 9 – نحوه انتقال و دوره قابليت سرايت (Mode of transmission & period of communicability) 1 ـ دوره نهفتگي Incubation Period Time from exposure to symptoms Cutaneous , 3-10 days Very variable for inhalational 2-43 days reported Theoretically may be up to 100 days Delayed germination of spores

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